Changing the life, Healing the planet

For decades the scandinavian wizarding community has shared a deep concern for our planet. Thus in  1970's (Western Muggle Time) the Scandinavian Wizarding Parliament made a decision (SWP Decisions N:o 211 986, Not In Unison)  to begin to build bridges between the wizarding and muggle universes to be able to save our common planet. An Amendment N:o 12/211 986 stated that in order to pursue the endeavour the Parliament gives premission for some wizarding children to apply to study in muggle schools.

Thus in the 1980's WMT few wizarding children begun their studies in muggle schools in Finland [locations Encrypted]. Their mission was to learn about the muggle way of life, to find the best ways to build the bridges between the two worlds and thus eventually, to come up with solutions to heal the planet as Muggle Advocates known as MADs.

In 2018 MADs gave their final report  including several acting proposals. Year 2019 WMT the Scandinavian Wizzarding Parliament gave a historical decision (SWP Decisions N:o 286 486, Not In Unison) to move forward with some of the proposals. The most advatageous proposal is to give the Great Scandinavian Schools of Magic a permission to accept muggle born children to study at selected and specific GSSM Instutions in Scandinavia, if certain conditions were to accomplished.

GSSM, because
Children are Magical and Our Planet is Sacred


Only trustworthy, top knowhow Muggle/Companies, who have a deep understanding of the Wizarding universe and share our values, can become GSSM partners (Amendment N:o 17/286 486).


The complete endeavour plan and milestones is shown only for the partners
(Amendment N:o 9/286 486)
[NOTE: Signed NDA or Permission for Oblivion Spell required].

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